Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Nightmare Stalkers and Dream Walkers, by Horrified Press

Nightmare Stalkers & Dream Walkers contains my short story titled, "Makin' Bacon", which brings a frightened woman face to face with a nightmare and leaves her husband a tasty surprise.

"Nightmare Stalkers & Dream Walkers attempts to invade the dream world, bringing back the weirdest and most terrifying tidbits—all for the amusement of the reader. The authors in these pages have dared to draw from their dream worlds, beating a path through the wilderness of the human subconscious in order to take us to places better left unexplored. But that's okay. Fiction can't hurt us. Neither can dreams. This much we know. We believe it. And yet, somehow, fear lingers, because we cannot be sure... Can we ever fully trust the hidden part of ourselves that seems to have a life of its own? Can we ever feel one hundred percent comfortable with those elusive shadows that flit in and out of our minds, leaving no trace in our memory? We can't help but wonder about dreams... What are they…? -Lindsey Beth Goddard: Author of Quick Fix: A Taste of Terror"

Product Details

Horrified Press
July 26, 2014
Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink
Black & white
0.66 lbs.
Dimensions (inches)
5.83 wide x 8.26 tall

Sunday, July 27, 2014

ABC's of Zombie Friendship

http://www.amazon.com/ABCs-Zombie-Friendship-Essel-Pratt-ebook/dp/B00M69MY6Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1406488983&sr=1-1&keywords=ABC%27s+of+zombie+friendshipAuthored by Essel Pratt
Illustrated by catt dahman

Bonds of friendship exist eternally within the confines of children's hearts. Neither a move to a new town nor an unthinkable expiry can remove the bond that joins true friends together. Not even when one becomes a zombie.

Matt doesn't allow the death and reawakening of his best bud Tate to dissuade him from adventures of youth. In the ABC's of Zombie Friendship the lads remain close and the alphabet expresses their bond one letter at a time.

Monday, July 14, 2014

No Sight for the Saved

http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00LRQ6VKY/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B00LRQ6VKY&linkCode=as2&tag=httpesselprbl-20&linkId=66CLZBS2Z4MF4Z2C Niall Parkinson's No Sight for the Saved is a fantastic collection of stories and poems from an awesome selection of writers that were inspired by his inspiring collection of artwork.My short story, "Suppress into Relapse" is included in the collection.

"Surreal journeys through landscapes of the angry and abandoned, the lost and lonely and the weak and wounded. These are the realms of the Dead End Collective." The horror art of Niall Parkinson is used for inspiration for the short stories and poetry included in this anthology. This fully illustrated anthology is a wonderful collection of horror fiction inspired by horror art. Seeing is believing, and horror awaits."

  • Publisher: James Ward Kirk Publishing (July 12, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Fractured Realms: A charity Anthology in Aid of the Autism Trust By Horrified Press

Fractured Realms: A charity Anthology in Aid of the Autism Trust includes a poem written by me, titled "If I Had One Wish".  The poem strays from my usual horror and fantasy roots.  Then again, what is more horrifying than finding out a child will suffer from autism for the rest of his or her life?

"Extraordinary people marked ‘not normal’ come from all different walks of life. For far too long, a shroud of darkness was thrown over those who’ve had boundless potential to transcend greatness; shunned and cast out through the misjudgment forced upon them. People enduring isolation from being trapped inside their own minds. People labeled with an ASD-Autism Spectrum Disorder. Seeds of greatness cannot be cultivated through judgment and condemnation. Imagine a world never having heard the music of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? Never seeing the extraordinary art of Michelangelo? What if Sir Isaac Newton hadn’t discovered gravity, and laws of motion that would be relevant 300 years later? And for all the writers out there…were you aware that Lewis Carroll—author of ‘Alice in Wonderland’—fell under the umbrella of Autism? So to all of you, who are reading this, ask yourself… “Is Autism a disorder, or is it a gift?” Through their short stories and poetry, a collection of talented authors have tackled that question."

Horrified Press, at the direction of Suzie and Bruce Lockhart, compiled an amazing collection in this book. I am proud to be part of this collection and the cause that it supports.

Product Details

Horrified Press
June 14, 2014
Perfect-bound Paperback
Interior Ink
Black & white
0.77 lbs.
Dimensions (inches)
5.83 wide x 8.26 tall

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Demonic Possessions, by JWK Fiction

Demonic Possession", published by JWK Fiction
In Demonic Possessions, my story "Wicked Possession" takes a witchier approach to possession. 

Beware demons. They live amongst us and within us.

  • Print Length: 218 pages
  • Publisher: James Ward Kirk Publishing (July 1, 2014)
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English