This anthology is the second collection of stories based around the works and world's created by L. Frank Baum. These tales span the wonderful, seedy, corrupt, terrifying or raunchy land of Oz covering a variety of genres. These stunning reimaginings from a variety of contributors both known and unknown in fiction such as Kevin Candela, Donald Armfield, Roma Gray, Lindsey Goddard, Scott Claringbold, Jodie Manning, Edward Vaughn, Michael Faun, Dani Brown, Nicholas Vasquez, Essel Pratt Tracy Allen, Tiffany West, Tony Garcia, William Straw, Tori Danielle Scherer, Brian Barr, Beth Bartlett, Ricky Mohl Sr, Zeb Carter Michael Kanuckle and Raul Sarmiento! Strap on your red slippers for another trip down the Yellow Brick road with us! I swear we will knock your striped socks off!