Saturday, August 26, 2017

Psycho Path

Life is a journey. An adventure – A path trod with uncertainty. For most of us, the difficulties encountered along life’s path help to forge us into stronger, wiser, and more well-balanced human beings. We learn from our missteps and build upon our lessons learned. For some, however, life’s adversities take their toll; often early on and with dire consequences for the future. The spiral into madness lends no hope of return. What is real and what is imaginary soon becomes a blurred caricature of existence, leading us nimbly along the path to insanity.

Why do we do the things we do? How does one find solace in the suffering of another? Is there even a way to reset the moral compass once that needle is spun out of control? It’s a cruel world we live in, one filled with darkness and confusion. Terror, and the worst kind of monster – human.

Insectile Illusion

Nothing makes the skin crawl more than skin crawling with insects. Making their way into every orifice, burrowing through flesh to lay their eggs by the million; you, their unwilling host. Swarms invading your home, infesting the streets, devouring crops, bringing disease, famine, and death. If the insects decide to take over, there is next to nothing you can do in defence. Now, keep this in the forefront of your mind as you delve into this entomological excursion. The stories within are guaranteed to have you swatting and scratching at illusive insects as you read the tales these authors have poured into this bug collection from hell. Your own bed, especially, will no longer be a sanctuary as the antagonists of these stories follow you into your nightmares.

But hey, it all just an illusion, right? Right?

Zombies: Zero Hour

Notions of the undead have fascinated and terrified humanity for centuries, and none more so than those tales revolving around zombies. From the very root of the zombie myth back in the Haitian slave days, to a saturation through popular culture, zombies have crawled their way up out of their graves, refusing to stay interred. Now, as their hordes increase and their hungers grow, the undead plagues cannot be stopped. It isn't just a case of no room left on Earth. The apocalypse is here, and it's time for humanity to abdicate their positions as rulers of the planet to those monstrous reanimated ghouls from the tomb. Humans have had their day.

Time's up. The world belongs to the zombies now. It's zero hour.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Xperimental Genocide

I'm excited to announce the release of my 8th book!

Racism. Hate. Delusion.

Each is an integral ingredient in the recipe of genocide. Each was present during World War II.

Imagine if Adolf Hitler were still alive today, hiding out in the one place no one would find him, dead center in the United States. Imagine he, and a small group of dedicated Nazis, discovered a way to resurrect one of the most iconic Jewish symbols of World War II, recreated through a sample of found DNA. Imagine if that person was to be used as a weapon to once begin an onslaught against the Jews.

Xperimental Genocide delves into the ‘what ifs’ as Dr. Ackerman is tasked with summoning the hatred within a young girl that was born from the ashes of Hitler’s hatred of the Jewish people. Faced with the decision to follow orders or his own ethics, Dr. Ackerman finds himself deep in trenches of Hitler’s Xperimental Genocide.

Slaughter on the Seas

Filled with monstrous entities from the deep, both real and fabled, and sailed by marauding pirate ships with bloodthirsty souls looking to plunder and destroy. The great briny blue of the ocean is one of the most terrifying places imaginable. With almost three quarters of the Earth covered by sea,this vast expanse is home to myriad horrors.

From hundreds of fathoms down, or lurking just beneath the surface, to brazenly navigating the nautical domain, these deadly threats are just waiting for unsuspecting souls to take to the waters.

So come on, take the plunge. Dive on in. The water is fine. What exists within, it is another story.



Where your rights and freedom have been stripped away. Where you are trapped with the dying, the dead, and sometimes even the undead.

The shrieking, the smell of rot, and the unrelenting sickness that destroys your body and soul. No one can survive.

The Quarantine...

Dance with the Demon

Demons – we all have them. Like a parasitic shadow, attaching itself and penetrating its foul claws deep into your soul, your own personal demon feeds on your fears. Fear – the basest of all human emotions; the one from which all our others gain impetus and purpose – even of love.

Throughout history, the Demon has been projected outwards, given form, given a cornucopia of names and even hierarchies. Truth be told, they are a deeply ingrained expression of our own psyches. Manifesting in a myriad of ways: addictions – physical, mental and spiritual; hatred and prejudice, ignorance and subservience – the Demon lives within us all, and choreographs the dance of life towards death.

As you immerse yourself in the demonic tales within these pages, the question may arise…

How much of yourself have you given away, as you Dance with the Demon